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Spice v0.15.2-alpha (July 15, 2024)

· 4 min read
Luke Kim
Founder and CEO of Spice AI

The v0.15.2-alpha minor release focuses on enhancing stability, performance, and introduces Catalog Providers for streamlined access to Data Catalog tables. Unity Catalog, Databricks Unity Catalog, and the Cloud Platform Catalog are supported in v0.15.2-alpha. The reliability of federated query push-down has also been improved for the MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC, S3, Databricks, and Cloud Platform data connectors.

Highlights in v0.15.2-alpha​

Catalog Providers: Catalog Providers streamline access to Data Catalog tables. Initial catalog providers supported are Databricks Unity Catalog, Unity Catalog and Cloud Platform Catalog.

For example, to configure Spice to connect to tpch tables in the Cloud Platform Catalog use the new catalogs: section in the spicepod.yml:

- name: spiceai
from: spiceai
- tpch.*
sql> show tables
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type |
| spiceai | tpch | region | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | part | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | customer | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | lineitem | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | partsupp | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | supplier | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | nation | BASE TABLE |
| spiceai | tpch | orders | BASE TABLE |
| spice | runtime | query_history | BASE TABLE |

Time: 0.001866958 seconds. 9 rows.

ODBC Data Connector Push-Down: The ODBC Data Connector now supports query push-down for joins, improving performance for joined datasets configured with the same odbc_connection_string.

Improved Spicepod Validation Improved spicepod.yml validation has been added, including warnings when loading resources with duplicate names (datasets, views, models, embeddings).